Updated electronic product catalog.

We are pleased to announce that our electronic general product catalog has been newly updated. We can flexibly modify and adjust specifications based on the models shown in the catalog, starting from small lots. Please feel free to contact us.


"UNIFIVE product catalogue has been updated."

Please click the picture below to download it.

 We are greatly expanding our lineup of AC adapters and switching power supplies for medical use, standard board power supply series that can be replaced by mounting compatibility, next-generation AC adapters using GaN elements, AC adapters for charging lithium batteries, and many other new products as well as other existing series.

 Please feel free to contact our sales staff for samples, specification adjustments, etc.

*The products listed in this catalog are only a part of our product lineup.Our experienced staff will be happy to suggest the optimum power supply that meets your needs from our industry-leading lineup, so please do not hesitate to contact us.

If you have any requests or questions. Please ask our global sales team.

You can get the product catalog in PDF.

Thank you for your interest in our products and services.

Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or need assistance regarding our products and services, including AC DC adapters, switching power supplies, and more.