We launched a new open frame series for home appliance
Here is the announcement of the launch of the new open frame series for home appliance.
"Its parfectly suitable for home appliance devices"
Here is our news about new power supply series for fome appliance for you.
Below is the feature of this series.
- IEC 615558 & IEC
- high surge coutermeasure
- AC/DC connector can be reselected
- Water proofed/moisuture proofed customise is availlable
- PCB size, screw hole can be adjusted.Other parts can be desginated
- Safety standards can be obtained for modified boards. (IEC 61558 -1, 2-16 etc.)
Click and get more information (PDF)
We also can modify or customize these products. please contact us.
You can get the product catalog in PDF.
Thank you for your interest in our products and services.
Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions or need assistance regarding our products and services, including AC DC adapters, switching power supplies, and more.